John’s Personal Page
Every so often, I put a page or two over here that I think someone might find interesting.
To the left is a menu of possibilities - click an item to see more words and pictures. Some of the more popular pages:
- Nootka trail. I put up the Nootka Trail description as a trip memento for my son. To my surprise, it's become one of the most frequently visited internet sites devoted to this beautiful trail - I still get daily letters from folks who are contemplating the trip, or who've just visited the site.
- Mead making has undergone something of a Renaissance in the last few years. I've shared some of my own recipes, in a format which should let most home brewmakers have a crack at building their own meads and melomels.
This little Rufus Hummingbird flew into my garage on my son's birthday, stayed long enough for me to shoot a thousand images, and then quietly left. ©May 2006, John Heerema, All rights reserved Nikon D200, 80-200 f/2.8 AFS @ ~160mm, f/11